Mission Doctors Association


Mission Doctors Association serves in partnerships with Bishops and Religious Orders around the world to support the medical care that is provided in these dioceses.

We also partner with organizations and dioceses in the U.S. that help us recruit, train, send and support Mission Doctors who respond to the requests of the Bishops and Religious who administer the Hospitals in Africa and Latin America.

Lay Mission-Helpers

Both Lay Mission-Helpers Association and Mission Doctors Association were founded by, then director of the Propagation of the Faith, in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Msgr. Anthony Brouwers. To read about this visionary of the laity in service, you can find a book about his life on Amazon.

Mission Doctors Association sends Physicians, Dentists, Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants both long term and short-term to Africa and Latin America.   Lay Mission-Helpers Association sends and supports teachers, nurses, and other allied health professionals as well as administrators, accountants, and many others who serve three years in mission dioceses around the world.

Candidates for both long-term programs attend the four-month residential formation program at our Mission House in Los Angeles.  This is also where our offices are located to allow us to focus on our mission and be good stewards of our resources

Office of Life, Justice, and Peace

Since 2010, Mission Doctors has had the honor of working with the Health Ministry Program, now part of the Office of Life, Justice, and Peace in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to host a Healthcare Professionals Annual Mass, where Mission Doctors Association has presented the Annual, Catholic Doctor of the Year Award.  For information on the upcoming Annual Mass for Healthcare Professionals (White Mass) add link and the Catholic Doctor of the Year Award (add link)

The Office of Life, Justice, and Peace (OLJP) implements the vision of Archbishop José Gomez on social issues by offering strategic leadership to parishes and community partners through education, advocacy, prayer, and service.

Catholic Medical Association

We are proud to be one of CMA’s Catholic Medical Mission Partner Programs.  Catholic Medical Association is the largest association of Catholic individuals in health care. They help their members to grow in faith, maintain ethical integrity and provide excellent health care in accordance with the teachings of the Church.

Mission Doctors Association members have participated in discussions on international Medical Mission Service and as an organization, MDA has also attended and exhibited at the CMA Annual Conference and we look forward to the next opportunity to do so.  

Catholic Dioceses and Archdioceses

Every (Arch) Diocese in the United States has an office, which is sometimes called the ‘Mission Office’ that is the office for the Holy Father’s Propagation of the Faith.  Upon application, these offices will invite Missionaries and Mission organizations to speak in their parishes as part of the Missionary Cooperative Program every summer.

Mission Doctors is blessed to be included in the Mission Cooperative Program each summer and our Executive Director and Veteran Mission Doctors speak at the Sunday Masses across the country, sharing our mission and inviting parishioners to become a vital part of our work.

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