Easter has finally come after our time of Lent; a time for celebration. The liturgy of Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday evening) expresses this celebratory attitude in abundance with rich symbolism, rituals, and Scripture readings which remind us of God’s saving action through history and the Resurrection. A culmination of our Lenten journey and now there is time to ask why Jesus’ Resurrection matters to us today? Through the Rising of Jesus we see God’s saving action after His unjust trial, torture and death. The forces against Jesus sought not only silence Him but to squelch his dangerous message. The Resurrection shows that God’s message of love, reconciliation and freedom cannot be defeated. More than that the Resurrection offers us hope not only of life after death but that love will in the end prevail.
Easter calls to mind hope. A hope which reminds us that God’s love is more powerful than hate, anxiety, strive, sin and death and this is a hope which can carry us throughout life. No matter how dire the personal situation- love will win out in the end, though normally not as soon as we would prefer. This is a hope that God loves and cares for us as well as all creation- a message which we desperately need to hear nowadays. A hope that carries us even beyond this world to the afterlife!
Enjoy the day- feast with friends and family and give thanks to God for the gift of life and a hope which exists for each of us, regardless of the prophets of doom who seem to surround us.
Please remember Mission Doctors who bring hope to poor who have often been despairing as a result of serious illness and disease.
Happy Easter!
Brother John Kiesler, OFM