Mission Doctors Association

Celebrating Dads Who Go Above and Beyond

Happy Father’s Day to all the incredible dads out there! 

Sunday, we celebrate the unwavering love, support, and guidance fathers provide to their children. This Father’s Day, we want to share a special story from one of our Mission Doctors that highlights the unique and vital role a father played in his child’s care.

Dr. Jim Hake, who served in rural Cameroon, encountered a young patient named Hapsatou. Three-year-old Hapsatou arrived at the hospital suffering from pneumonia, a common yet serious illness for children in the region. While Hapsatou’s high fever initially caused concern, Dr. Hake was happy to see her recovery progress quickly with IV fluids and antibiotics.

What truly struck Jim during Hapsatou’s stay was the constant presence of her father by her side. 

In Cameroon, it’s more customary for mothers or grandmothers to be the primary caregivers for children in hospitals. However, Hapsatou’s father defied tradition, staying by her bedside throughout her treatment. The love and devotion between them was evident in their smiles when Hapsatou finally recovered and was ready to return home.

Hapsatou’s story is a beautiful reminder that a father’s love knows no bounds. 

Beyond Borders: Fathers We Support Around the World

Mission Doctors Association is proud to support countless fathers like Hapsatou’s across the globe. Facing poverty, limited access to healthcare, and other challenges, these fathers work tirelessly to ensure their children receive the care they need.

How You Can Help

Your generous contributions to Mission Doctors Association empower us to continue providing life-saving medical care to children like Hapsatou. By supporting our mission, you’re not only helping children, but also the dedicated fathers who play such a crucial role in their lives.

This Father’s Day, consider making a donation to Mission Doctors Association in honor of the incredible dads in your life. With your support, we can continue to provide vital healthcare services and celebrate the unwavering love of fathers everywhere.

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