Mission Doctors Association


Lost Sheep

READINGS: Joshua 5: 9a, 10-12; ii cor. 5: 17-21; Luke 15:1-3, 11-32. Here we are already the Fourth Sunday of Lent, hopefully, this has been a time of enrichment and development of our relationships with God and others. Today Luke’s Gospel tells us a parable that no doubt we have heard many times, the Parable …

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READINGS: EXODUS 3:1-8A, 13-15; I COR. 10: 1-6, 10-12; LUKE 13: 1-9. Lent is moving along and here we are at the third week. What can we say? It is unlikely, though not impossible that anyone has had a radical life-changing experience or witnessed a life changed in a ‘twinkling of the eye’. But those …

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Chipsi Mayai

Chipsi Mayai in Swahili, the national language of Tanzania: Chipsi = French fries / Mayai means Eggs. This simple dish, which has variations of adding tomatoes, onion, peppers is another meatless meal I wanted to share with you for Lent. One that is said to have originated as street food that became popular for breakfast …

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READINGS: GENESIS 15:5-12, 17-18; PHIL. 3:17-4:1; LUKE 9: 28-36. Peace and good! Today’s reading from the Gospel of Luke recounts the story of Jesus’ Transfiguration, which I am sure all of us have heard many times. Jesus takes Peter, James, and John to a mountaintop where His appearance radically changes to show some of his …

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For the second Friday of Lent, we know that beans and rice are a familiar dish in many cultures, different beans, some with veggies. In Honduras, this dish is called casamiento which means marriage. The name marriage is said to be because the rice and beans start out a different color, represent the bride and …

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Cannot Ignore

Often times when there is an emergency around the world, people will ask me about supporting Mission Doctors, and while during Covid we responded to the needs of our Mission Partners for support for PPE, staffing, and more, this is not generally the work of Mission Doctors. The global nature of COVID has been unique, …

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