Mission Doctors Association


3 Sugar Cubes

There are three sugar cubes I specifically remember eating as a child. On each occasion, our entire family would get into the car in the evening and travel 14 miles to the school gymnasium in a nearby town where we waited in line for well over an hour. Any complaints about the length of the …

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Mercy Sunday

Divine Mercy Sunday is a relatively new addition to the Church’s liturgical year. In 2000 Saint John Paul II named the Sunday after Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday (flowing from a devotion to Christ’s Divine Mercy by a Polish nun, St. Maria Faustina Kowalska). So what do we celebrate? First, we celebrate that for Christians God …

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Easter Vigil

For those of us who attend Holy Saturday’s Easter Vigil service it may seem long and tedious. But this liturgy, through Old Testament and New Testament readings, leads us through salvation history from Creation to our new creation at Easter and then with the baptism of the catechumens we witness new creations. Easter is normally …

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Grace’s baby

I recently returned from Cameroon, West Africa, visiting out Mission Doctors and our partners in mission.  I traveled all over the Northeastern area of the country and visited Padre Pio Maternity Hospital in Douala, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Shisong and St. Martin de Porres Hospital in Njinikom.  After days of travel, miles and miles of roads …

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Good Friday

Good Friday- not good because of the weather or receiving good news at work or winning the lottery- but ‘good’ because it reveals to us in painful detail the depth of God’s love for each person. Through horrific suffering- which we hear in today’s reading from the Gospel of John- we learn that God accepted …

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Holy Thursday

We all have ceremonies to remember special events whether birthdays, weddings or the death anniversaries of loved ones. It seems very human to remember the past as the past –whether for nations or individuals- always blends into and raises its head in the present. Today is a remembrance for the Christians. We remember the night …

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Palm Sunday

Only one more week left of our Lenten journey! Did we take the time and make the effort to reflect, begin some changes and, most importantly, ask the Lord for grace as well as increased sight to see Him in our daily lives. Like the end of any journey, we are probably ready for a …

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