Mission Doctors Association


Good Friday

[Isa. 52:13-53:12; Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9; John 18:1-19:42] Good Friday, once again? What makes it good- I mean if someone close to me died it would be insane to label it a ‘good day’. Why does the Church view the day during which Jesus was tortured, publicly humiliated and died as ‘Good Friday’? Didn’t seem like …

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Palm Sunday

Today’s Gospel reading from Mark tells us about Jesus’ grand entrance into Jerusalem only days before his Crucifixion.  High drama with colts, palms, and cheering crowds, what is not to like, huh? But we know the rest of the story don’t we, as only a few days later these cheering fans will be jeering Jesus …

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World Water Day

Today is World Water Day. There are approximately 7.4 billion people in the world today; 2.1 billion of them live without safe drinking water at home. It is fairly easy to forget this when you turn on the tap and can reasonably assume that something safe to drink will come out into your glass. Today would be …

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First Sunday of Lent

The first Sunday of Lent and no doubt some are asking what ‘you gave up for Lent’. Perhaps you are hesitant to answer or answer boldly, but many people wonder about this ‘giving up’.  This is a form of fasting and penance but didn’t the Second Vatican Council get rid of such ‘old fashioned ideas’? …

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Ash Wednesday

Lent is upon us once again- didn’t we just finish celebrating Christmas? In any case, here we are in a liturgical season when, as an entire Church, we are called to focus on prayer, fasting and alms-giving (i.e. donations to the poor). This is a time of year that reminds us that we are not …

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