Mission Doctors Association



The Second Sunday of Lent and I hope this season is going well for you. Today’s Gospel reading is the story of the Transfiguration from the Gospel of Luke. But today is also St. Patrick’s Day so everyone knows which will have priority with the People of God (regardless of what Father may say today!) …

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The First Sunday of Lent and I hope that everyone is well, getting into the reflective, prayerful spirit of this season. Today’s Gospel from Luke is the story of the devil tempting Jesus in the desolate, lonely desert of Palestine. He puts in front of Jesus visions of food (Jesus had been fasting!); power and …

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It is Ash Wednesday once again with Lent beginning- so what does this mean to anyone? For some people it is, no doubt, just another day; no big deal as life goes on. For others Ash Wednesday may revive past memories of what was ‘given up’ during this season. For most Lent is a time …

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“Doctor I am sorry but Mateo signed himself out of the hospital this morning.” Just 10 days earlier we performed a bone marrow biopsy and I now had the results – the sample showed a diffuse fungal infection called Histoplasmosis.  The treatment with Amphotericin B would save his life. The nurse was asked if she …

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His Own Words

Today our nation will celebrate the 90th birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This national holiday honors the legacy of the Baptist minister and civil rights leader whose dream for our nation was to have all people living the promise of the Founding Fathers “that all men are created equal”. There is so much …

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